Call for Stories: Wavelength 20th Anniversary Zine

Wavelength and Myseum want you to share your Toronto music stories!

Wavelength Music is teaming up with our friends at Myseum of Toronto to bring you a 20th anniversary commemorative edition of the Wavelength zine, in conjunction with the Wavelength Winter Festival 2020 coming up February 13-16th. Info on the festival here.

Are you an artist, organizer or audience member? Please share your stories of memorable, formative, or inspirational experiences in the Toronto music community during the last 20 years – not necessarily at Wavelength events, though those are welcome as well!

Stories can take the form of written prose (max 300 words), poetry, photography, or visual art! Our favourites will be included in print. Our city is built on our stories and we want to hear yours.

If we run your story, you will receive as a long weekend pass to attend the entire Wavelength Winter Festival 2020 as a thank-you!

To submit, go here:

DEADLINE: Friday Jan. 31, 2020