August 2016, and it’s back to the Island for the second edition of Camp Wavelength (WL 709, Aug. 19-21). Incredibly, it’s even more magical than the year before. Another slate of fantastically curated art installations, pop-up performances, and poetry readings turn Artscape Gibraltar Point into a parallel world of creativity and community spirit. The Monarch Tavern crew sustains us with delicious Asian BBQ. The musical lineup is more diverse, from local hip-hop/soul artists LAL, Spek Won and Brendan Philip to visiting US post-punk rockers Cloud Nothings and Guerilla Toss; from local Zimbabwean ensemble Nhapitapi Mbira to Canadian indie icons Operators, Bruce Peninsula, and Michelle McAdorey. And the stories become the stuff of legend: the volunteer ice run on the ferry, the well-timed power outage during Young Galaxy’s set, the double rainbow during Open Fortress’ dance performance on the beach, and someone rolling out a TV so that folks could watch the Tragically Hip’s final concert.