Past Events

I Am Robot and Proud + Lullatone

I Am Robot and Proud + Lullatone

August 19, 2007 @ 9:00 pm

WL 376

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We're Scared + LLIONS

We're Scared + LLIONS

July 29, 2007 @ 9:00 pm

WL 373

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Quebexico + Be Bad + Varge

Quebexico + Be Bad + Varge

July 22, 2007 @ 9:00 pm

WL 372

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LSdoubleDcup + Brigitte + Bocce

LSdoubleDcup + Brigitte + Bocce

June 24, 2007 @ 9:00 pm

WL 369

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Wayne Petti + Collapsing Opposites

Wayne Petti + Collapsing Opposites

June 17, 2007 @ 9:00 pm

WL 368

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The Luyas + Place Hands

The Luyas + Place Hands

April 29, 2007 @ 9:00 pm

WL 361

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