Wavelength returns to Toronto grassroots music venue the Monarch Tavern for the first time since the Before Times, for a double album release for Tara Kannangara and Corey Gulkin, two stellar Canadian singer-songwriters who ably bend and blend genres and cultures. Kannangara’s omnivorous songcraft incorporates guitars, electronics and her wild trumpet playing, while telling stories of Toronto apartment living and her experiences as a second-generation Sri Lankan-Canadian. Montrealer Gulkin’s visit is a long-awaited fête for their 2023 full-length Half Moon, a collection of songs written during a Banff Centre residency after recovering from a neck injury, with the specific intention of channeling queer heartbreak, love, and rage. The evening will kick off with Essie Watts, the songwriting project of Toronto’s Jessica Burgess, whose Shadow Box was a local delight of last year.
The Monarch Tavern is not currently wheelchair accessible due to one flight of stairs to access the washrooms. For all other accessibility requests, please contact us at info@wavelengthmusic.ca.
Audience Policy:
Wavelength respects the rights of each member of our diverse audience and is committed to providing an environment in which everyone can feel safe. Any behaviour which could reasonably be perceived as physically, emotionally, or mentally harmful to individuals at Wavelength events will not be tolerated. This includes: racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, body shaming, ableism, ageism, and all forms of violence.
Please be respectful of others and help Wavelength create a fun and safer space for everyone. If you need help, or see others in need of help, please talk to a Wavelength staff member or volunteer.
Ticket Purchase Policy:
Please note that all ticket sales are final and non-refundable. We may occasionally offer ticket refunds in limited circumstances, such as events that are canceled, postponed or rescheduled.