Wavelength Presents:

Reimagining Music Venues Report Launch: School of Cities x Wavelength

September 28, 2023 @ 7:00 pm


Hart House – Music Room

7 Hart House Cir.

All Ages


Reimagining Music Venues Report Launch: School of Cities x Wavelength

Reimagining Music Venues Report Launch: School of Cities x Wavelength

The University of Toronto School of Cities

and Wavelength Music present

Reimagining Music Venues — Report Launch

Presentations followed by live music by:


(South Korea/Japan // nomadic drone music)



(Toronto/Guelph // electronic pop)

Thursday, September 28, 2023

@ Hart House – Music Room (University of Toronto)

7 Hart House Circle, Toronto

Doors 7pm


All Ages + Licensed

JOIN THE WAIT LIST: bit.ly/WL-RMVLaunch2023



Ontario’s live music venues are in crisis. Spaces have been shutting down all over the province for years, even before the industry was decimated by the pandemic. Audiences say they’re paying too much, artists say they’re not being paid enough, and venue owner/operators say they’re not making enough money to stay afloat.

But new venue models are popping up all over the world, providing hope that change is possible, from portable Stage Trucks to community-driven Cultural Land Trusts. A team of researchers from the University of Toronto School of Cities and Wavelength Music, led by U of T Sociology Professor Daniel Silver and Wavelength Artistic/Executive Director Jonathan Bunce, have compiled “Reimagining Music Venues”, an extensive new report that evaluates the state of live music in Ontario and whether these new models are the answer. 

Celebrate the launch of the report with an evening at the Hart House Music Room, featuring presentations and a Q&A followed by live music performances by travelling Pan-Asian kosmische family TENGGER (who are releasing their self-titled album the following day) and Ontario electronic experimentalist MOONBEAN. It’s a free, non-ticketed event, so register now and show up early!

Post-talk concert with MOONBEAN and TENGGER is open to ALL — no registration required!

COVID Protocols:
The use of a medical mask is strongly encouraged. The University of Toronto is a mask-friendly environment, and we ask everyone to respect each other’s decisions, comfort levels, and health needs. The University will continue to monitor public health conditions to adjust our response as needed, and we will update you on any changes.

Hart House is wheelchair accessible. For more information, please visit https://harthouse.ca/about/visitor-info#accessibility. For all other accessibility requests, please contact us at info@wavelengthmusic.ca.

Audience Policy:
Wavelength respects the rights of each member of our diverse audience and is committed to providing an environment in which everyone can feel safe. Any behaviour which could reasonably be perceived as physically, emotionally, or mentally harmful to individuals at Wavelength events will not be tolerated. This includes: racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, body shaming, ableism, ageism, and all forms of violence.

Please be respectful of others and help Wavelength create a fun and safer space for everyone. If you need help, or see others in need of help, please talk to a Wavelength staff member or volunteer.

Graphic design by Derek Ma.

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