Wavelength Presents:

Breeze + Dermabrasion + Neurotypes: Wavelength

May 11, 2024 @ 8:00 pm


St. Anne’s Lower Hall

651 Dufferin St., Toronto

All Ages

$22 adv

Breeze + Dermabrasion + Neurotypes: Wavelength

Wavelength presents:


(Toronto // new wave of new wave // Hand Drawn Dracula Records)



(Toronto // doomy industrial post-punk // Hand Drawn Dracula Records)



(Ottawa // noisy dream-pop)

Co-presented with Hand Drawn Dracula

As part of the Wavelength Music Series

Saturday May 11, 2024

@ St. Anne’s Lower Hall, 651 Dufferin St., Toronto

Doors 8pm – All Ages + Licensed

$22 advance including taxes and fees at DICE.FM

Tickets: https://bit.ly/breezeWL

On sale now!

After a vibe-heavy closing night of the Winter Festival, Wavelength returns to immersive subterranean community space St. Anne’s Lower Hall for a night of industrial dance and atmospheric rock in partnership with long-running Toronto indie label Hand Drawn Dracula. Local producer extraordinaire Josh Korody’s quintet Breeze continue to evolve their sound with each successive release. 2023’s Sour Grapes sees them moving into hypnotic, dance-floor-friendly, ‘90s Brit-pop and Madchester-influenced spaces. Their brand-new Hand Drawn Dracula labelmates Dermabrasion, meanwhile, occupy the other end of the sonic spectrum. The Toronto duo plies body-horror post-punk with influences from industrial and ‘70s metal, with early raves from Clash Music and Louder Than War. Ottawa visitors Neurotypes kick off the night with distorted, techno-sheened dream-pop.

Breeze photo by Colin Medley.

Poster design by Beehive Design.

St. Anne’s Lower Hall is not currently wheelchair accessible due to one flight of stairs to access the venue. If you have accessibility needs, don’t hesitate to contact us at info@wavelengthmusic.ca.

Audience Policy:

Wavelength respects the rights of each member of our diverse audience and is committed to providing an environment in which everyone can feel safe. Any behaviour which could reasonably be perceived as physically, emotionally, or mentally harmful to individuals at Wavelength events will not be tolerated. This includes: racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, body shaming, ableism, ageism, and all forms of violence. Please be respectful of others and help Wavelength create a fun and safer space for everyone. If you need help, or see others in need of help, please talk to a Wavelength staff member or volunteer.

Ticket Purchase Policy:
Please note that all ticket sales are final and non-refundable. We may occasionally offer ticket refunds in limited circumstances, such as events that are canceled, postponed or rescheduled.

Wavelength Monthly Music Series is supported by:

Ontario Creates
Ontario Arts Council
Toronto Arts Council
Department of Canadian Heritage
The SOCAN Foundation
Beehive Design
Collective Arts Brewing
Hand Drawn Dracula

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