Jane Inc. is Carlyn Bezic. Pitchfork called Jane Inc.’s first album, 2021’s Number One “dazzling… [Bezic] proves herself a musical Swiss Army knife, capable of anything and revelling in her multiplicity.” On sophomore album Faster Than I Can Take, she uses all the tools at her disposal – shredding harmonic guitar riffs over deep, danceable grooves, an eagerness to experiment with form, and lyricism that seamlessly links the personal and the political – to focus the multifaceted energy of Number One into something completely singular. The conceptual edges of her music are pushed further in her live show, where she has “an incredible presence, keeping the audience rapt even when she was just dancing hypnotically, reminisent of Mistki or Lorde” (Brooklyn Vegan). With a new album on the horizon that builds on her emotional, idiosyncratic and poppy body of work, a Jane Inc. show continues to be the ideal setting to dance while you cry.
Jane Inc.