Get to Know the Camp Wavelength Artists!

 18 Vector Land

Basement Studio Project

If you were to go to summer camp now, what’s one merit badge that you’d be most likely to get?
Most Intense.

Tell us a three-line ghost story.
What if we packed the car for install and forgot something important? Spooky? I think so.

Best campfire food?
Halloway likes roasted pineapple, Heather likes hot dogs and Natalie hates it all.

What can people expect from your installation at Camp Wavelength this weekend?
Large scale geometric structures made of yellow tubes, black matte tape, plastic drop sheets and LED lights.

Bruce Peninsula

If you were to go to summer camp now, what’s one merit badge that you’d be most likely to get?
Horizontal Beach Layabout.

Tell us a three-line ghost story.
Rent, rehearsal space pay, hydro, phone and insurance bills are all due on the same day.

Best campfire food?
Straight up ‘mallows.

What can people expect from your performance at Camp Wavelength this weekend?
A few new songs, a tight new rhythm section, jubilation.

Casper Skulls

If you were to go to summer camp now, what’s one merit badge that you’d be most likely to get?

Tell us a three-line ghost story.
The last thing I saw was my alarm clock flashing 12:07 before she pushed her long rotting nails through my chest, her other hand muffling my screams. I sat bolt upright, relieved it was only a dream. But as I saw my alarm clock read 12:06, I heard my closet door creak open.

Best campfire food?

What can people expect from your performance at Camp Wavelength this weekend?
A rock band!

Castle If

If you were to go to summer camp now, what’s one merit badge that you’d be most likely to get?

Tell us a three-line ghost story.
Vic Tandy didn’t believe in ghosts, but late one night while working in a laboratory rumoured to be haunted, he felt an uneasy, ghostly presence in the room, and saw figures out of the corner of his eye that weren’t there when he turned to look at them. The next day he felt the same eerie feeling of being watched when he noticed a foil clamped into a vice vibrating intensely. He ran some tests, and discovered an extraction fan emitting a subsonic standing wave vibrating at 18.98Hz (the same resonance as the human eyeball): this is the ghost frequency.

Best campfire food?
There isn’t much available for wild boars during the colder months of the year, so they dig up yams, and that’s all they eat all winter. In early March, you shoot a boar, immediately slit its belly, grill the intestines over an open fire, slice them, and eat them hot. Fresh yam sausages.

What can people expect from your performance at Camp Wavelength this weekend?
Sci-fi synth fun… and ghost frequencies.
 01 Atlantis

Chrysanthemum White Alder

If you were to go to summer camp now, what’s one merit badge that you’d be most likely to get?

Tell us a three-line ghost story.
You die and a tunnel sucks you up. The tunnel’s walls are made of eyes. When you are reincarnated, you are more shy than usual.

Best campfire food?
Burnt marshmallows.

What can people expect from your performance at Camp Wavelength this weekend?
Terror/awe? Confusion or maybe eternal love.


Cloud Nothings

If you were to go to summer camp now, what’s one merit badge that you’d be most likely to get?

Tell us a three-line ghost story.
A ghost walks into a bar.
The bartender screams.

Best campfire food?
Coors Light.

What can people expect from your performance at Camp Wavelength this weekend?
I don’t even know what will be going on at Camp Wavelength this weekend. All I know is it’s on an island, and someone at a House of Blues told our sound guy that it was a good place to get drunk. So people can expect our set to be drunk and on an island. Should be fun.

For Esme

For Esmé

If you were to go to summer camp now, what’s one merit badge that you’d be most likely to get?
Optimism Badge!

Tell us a three-line ghost story.
Huddled from within our tent,
Sticks cracked and shadows bent,
But nothing living came or went.

Best campfire food?
Hot dogs then s’mores for dessert obvs.

What can people expect from your performance at Camp Wavelength this weekend?
Fresh tunes, positive people, special guests and lots of dancing.

 11 In Synch

In Synch

If you were to go to summer camp now, what’s one merit badge that you’d be most likely to get?
Sharpest Teeth!

Tell us a three-line ghost story.
She ate, she swam… she died.

Best campfire food?
Octopus dogs!

What can people expect from your performance at Camp Wavelength this weekend?
Wet dreams.



If you were to go to summer camp now, what’s one merit badge that you’d be most likely to get?

Tell us a three-line ghost story.
On the road next to the forest, a white lady is hitchhiking but she has no thumb. She appears when the fog goes down…

Best campfire food?

What can people expect from your performance at Camp Wavelength this weekend?
Epic french shit.

 Nhapitapi Mbira

Nhapitapi Mbira

If you were to go to summer camp now, what’s one merit badge that you’d be most likely to get?
Energizer bunny.

Best campfire food?
Roasted zuchinni.

What can people expect from your performance at Camp Wavelength this weekend?
Sweat and laughter.

Odonis Odonis 

Odonis Odonis

If you were to go to summer camp now, what’s one merit badge that you’d be most likely to get?
Body Building.

Tell us a three-line ghost story.
I went to camp Wavelength. I didn’t see a ghost. The end.

Best campfire food?

What can people expect from your performance at Camp Wavelength this weekend?
Loud, obnoxious music.

Wolf Saga 

Wolf Saga

If you were to go to summer camp now, what’s one merit badge that you’d be most likely to get?
Definitely Fire Safety. Always been aware of anything fire related going down near me!

Tell us a three-line ghost story.
The ghost ferry grinned as it heard its latest subjects roaring in cheer on the island. Awaiting departure at the dock, an unsuspecting flock drew to the sounds of oncoming waves. Into the night they would drift never to be seen again.

Best campfire food?
S’mores of course!

What can people expect from your performance at Camp Wavelength this weekend?
Songs of our will to chase dreams, love, and equality. Also, maybe a t-shirt thrown in your direction. 🙂